Le damos la bienvenida al blog de Alphatrad Worldwide, que le ofrecerá las últimas noticias y artículos interesantes relacionados con los servicios lingüísticos y la industria de la internacionalización.

Lessons in Building a Language Industry Startup

Conventional wisdom shows that two-thirds of startups will stall at some point within the VC investment process and fail to secure follow up funding or exit. Less than 1% will ever become unicorns with valuations exceeding USD 1bn. At SlatorCon San Francisco 2018, Slator Co-Founder Andrew Smart talked to a panel of startup founders and leaders within the […]

Translation quality assurance: sophisticated term or a vital part of a translation project?

Translation quality assurance is essential in any sphere of translation business but can be critical in medical, legal, accounting, and technical documentation. Lousy translation can influence business and in certain cases could even cause a loss of life. Given the pressures that can be on a translator, I feel that translators need some kind of support. After all, […]
