Le damos la bienvenida al blog de Alphatrad Worldwide, que le ofrecerá las últimas noticias y artículos interesantes relacionados con los servicios lingüísticos y la industria de la internacionalización.

The Translation Industry Must Rethink How It Does Business

A convergence of circumstances are disrupting the very business model of translation. LSPs down to individual freelancers are feeling the pressure, too. The culprits are familiar: Technology and globalization. On the one hand, we have more and more people connecting to the global community, which drives all kinds of demand for language assistance such as […]

Machine translation in human translation workflows

With the cognitive computing age approaching at mind-boggling speed (before humans and technology likely will merge from about 2040), there seems to be a certain urgency in the need to familiarise ourselves with Artificial Intelligence. For translators this involves thinking about how (and if!) to integrate machine translation into their workflows. On 24 January 2018 […]
