Le damos la bienvenida al blog de Alphatrad Worldwide, que le ofrecerá las últimas noticias y artículos interesantes relacionados con los servicios lingüísticos y la industria de la internacionalización.

Handling PDFs… is there a best way?

We all know, I think, that translating a PDF should be the last resort.  PDF stands forPortable Document Format and the reason they have this name is because they were intended for sharing with users on any platform irrespective of whether they owned the software used to create the original file or not.  Used to share […]

Where Does Language Fit in with Big Data?

Where Does Language Fit in with Big Data? For the diverse universe of digital content generated by big data to be useful, it requires transformation for different channels (such as web, mobile, and print), conversion for various applications, and localization for other markets. This is an area of opportunity for translators and interpreters. Go to […]
