Ti diamo il benvenuto al blog di Alphatrad Worldwide che ti fornirà le notizie più aggiornate e articoli interessanti sui servizi linguistici e l’industria dell’internazionalizzazione.

Adapting to cultural contexts is key

When marketers take their brand positioning and messages global, a lot can be lost in translation. Although brands are thinking and behaving more globally than ever before, due to the connective tissue of digital, many are still repurposing communications for different geographies and cultures at the executional phase or with mere language translation. However, as […]

Language learning: what motivates us?

LAST week’s Johnson column celebrated “National Grammar Day” with some thorny grammatical issues: the uses of which versus that, the plural of words borrowed from foreign languages and how to handle one of those things that drive(s) me crazy. All defy attempts to impose hard-and-fast rules, because perfectly good grammar (as practised by the best English writers) points in more […]
